The VOC Calculator is provided to help you calculate the total amount of Volatile Organic Content (VOC) present in a specific volume of Awlgrip® paint or across a range of Awlgrip products used in a system. VOC's are the solvent part of paints or coatings that are lost to the atmosphere as the product is applied and dries. The VOC Calculator is provided for general guidance. VOC values are for the product "as supplied" and are average values for the product range, they do not take into account variation between colors.

Type in all or part of a product name and select the product. Type in the volume of product for which you wish to calculate the total VOC. You can add calculation to a summary chart by clicking on add to product summary.

*Note 1 gallon = 3.785 liters*

VOC (g/lt) 0
VOC (g/kg) 0
Total VOC (kg) 0
Job Name
Product Name
Volume (lt)
VOC (lb/gal)
VOC (lb/lb)
Total VOC (lb)

VOC Summary

Job Name
Product Name
Volume (lt)
VOC (lb/gal)
VOC (lb/lb)
Total VOC (lb)
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